Flashback Friday: "M'm! M'm! Good!"

Campbell's Soup
Chances are you don’t need anything more than the title of this post to know exactly what brand I’m talking about.
But just in case you’ve been MIA from popular culture for the past couple of decades, it’s Campbell’s Soup.
Here’s a 1930’s radio advertisement featuring that iconic slogan for your listening pleasure:
So. What exactly makes this advertisement a classic?
Let’s refer to the Baer Performance Marketing Classic-Or-Not Checklist.
Is it memorable?
Has it endured the test of time?
Have we incorporated it into our contemporary lexicon to describe everything from piña coladas to meatloaf?
Well, there you have it! “M’m! M’m! Good!” is a classic.
Campbell’s has used that tagline for a whopping eighty years. You don’t get to be the world’s Number One soup maker without a recognizable slogan like that, right?
Now that I’m done with this post, I think I’ll have grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch.