Flashback Friday — "Every Kiss Begins with Kay"

With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, men are searching for that piece of jewelry that will make their loved one extra delighted.
While thinking about the jeweler to choose, countless radio and television advertisements run through their mind , all saying they have the best deals, the best selection, and guarantee to make your significant other the happiest woman on Valentine’s Day. One of the first brands to pop into their heads is probably Kay Jewelers.
“Every Kiss Begins with Kay”
For many, the Kay Jewelers commercials often correspond with Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Christmas.
The tagline is clever and simple, and the ads are always filled with sappy, over-sentimental family moments, proposals, and babies making audience members everywhere well up with happy tears.
Kay’s ads certainly don’t please the masses. The Kay commercials always seem to be one of the most moaned and groaned about ad campaigns. But even with their ick-factor, the Kay commercials are certainly creating a dialog. You could perhaps compare them to those low-budget jewelery store or “cash for gold” ads. While they may drive you nuts, their brands have certainly achieved top of mind awareness when they have you whistling their jingle in the shower.
The “Every Kiss Begins with Kay” tagline was introduced in 1985 and has since become one of the most recognizable taglines in advertising history. Today, Kay can boast a 98% brand awareness rating and has become the number one retail jewelry chain in North America, making over $1.5 billion in annual sales.
So, does every kiss begin with Kay? Or  is there another jewelry brand that does it better?