Facebook’s New App Maps the World’s Friendships

Blog post by: Melissa Ignasiak
Since its introduction in 2004, Facebook has become an extremely large part of our social and business world. Now, almost ten years later, Facebook connects over 955 million people from around the globe. Not only does Facebook help us keep in contact with people we currently know, but has also been known for reconnecting people who have lost touch over the years.
In 2010, Facebook launched its “Stories App” to give its members the opportunity to share how Facebook has changed their lives. “A woman’s Facebook status updates from her cell phone become a lifeline for her and a group of 36 people traveling in Haiti during the earthquake. A recently laid-off man lands a new job by reaching out to his friends on Facebook. After 15 years apart, a father reconnects with his daughter through Facebook.”
On September 10, 2012 Facebook stories launched a new interactive map that puts a new spin on the phrase “six degrees of separation”. Every bubble on the map represents a country. By clicking on a country’s bubble, five more pop up around the world that represents the top five countries it is connected to through Facebook. A note at the bottom of the map even explains why there is such a high friendship connection between the two countries.

So, log on and check out facebookstories.com, and read the amazing stories from members around the world. Find out why Brazil and Japan have so many shared friendships, or post your own story.