Converting Leads

So, you’ve updated your marketing strategy and your lead volumes have taken off. Congratulations! However, the next step is super important. How do you convert these new leads into customers?
1.) Research
It is unlikely you’ll be able to effectively sell a  prospect on a product without doing your research ahead of time. Proper research will help you know which of your products will align with the prospect’s needs. Never try to oversell a customer, always offer a straightforward and honest proposal. Also, be sure to tailor your sales pitch to speak directly to the needs of each potential client.
2.) The Presentation
Now it’s time to sell. Your first meeting should be conducted in a way that aligns with your business’/brand’s personality. However, it’s also important that you understand what the client expects from you during this presentation. Many times, PowerPoints can add structure to a presentation and can also provide more of a visual to help showcase your business’ products. However, depending on the prospects’ expectations, a low-key discussion over coffee can be just as effective. The first meeting doesn’t always have to be formal – however, always make sure you are well-prepared. This is the time to demonstrate your understanding of the prospects’ needs as well as your knowledge of your products and industry.
3.) Providing Answers to ‘Why?’
So, your product appeals to the prospect – how do you push them into making a purchase? Well, many sales professionals forget to answer the question WHY. Why did you choose work for this specific brand/business? Why should they choose your product – what makes it better than your competitors’ products?  Why should they act sooner rather than later? Why will they be at a disadvantage if they do not move forward with this product? Provide your prospects with tangible, compelling reasons ‘why’ the need to buy from you.
4.) Follow-up
While it’s undoubtedly important to follow up with prospects, you need to do so in a way that best reflects your own personality. Don’t feel forced to carry out a final ‘sales pitch’ if it doesn’t seem appropriate. Follow-ups can be as simple as sending out a quick email stating, “I just wanted to check in to see how you’re doing.” You don’t have to be pushy, and the prospect will appreciate your follow-up if you seem like you genuinely want to learn more about them. Holiday/birthday cards are also a less formal and appreciated way of following up with clients.