Blog Post By: Ashley White, BPM Marketing Intern
Two-way communication between the consumer and businesses has never been as open as it is now; we have the digital age to thank for that. Just like all forms of marketing, there are benefits to this new form of communication and down falls.
Most businesses have embraced some sort of digital platform to connect with their audience and if you have not, you’re missing out! However, the challenge for many is creating a campaign that is engaging to your target audience. For some tips on how to produce an effective campaign we turn to the digital marketing masters, Coca-Cola.
With 70.6 million likes on their Facebook page, 1.3 million Twitter followers, 51 thousand Instagram followers, and 4,000 Pinterest fans they have figured out the digital marketing game. Here are the lessons we can learn from Coca-Cola:
1. Connect- If there is something going on in your area, the world, or in general that people are interested in, use it as an opportunity to connect. Make you business feel more relatable! If you really want to be a digital marketing all-star, connect it to your brand. Coca-Cola took everyone’s excitement about this week’s Shark Week and was able to make it relate to their brand. Bravo!
2. Behind the Scenes- People don’t want you constantly selling them things. That isn’t why they connected with your business. Show them something they wouldn’t see on a daily basis or tell them something they wouldn’t know about you. Create a relationship with customers by opening up to them.
3. Fan of the Week- Show your appreciation for their support of your business. Have a Pinterest Guest Pinner of the Week or give them a Twitter shout-out. Make your business seem human. Everyone would rather talk to a person than a robot. It goes for the digital world, as well. Coca-Cola is constantly contacting customers who mention their brand in a negative or positive light on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
4. Try Something Different- Do not be afraid to think outside the box. It isn’t quantity of content, it’s quality. Find what works for your business, and stick with it. Don’t be afraid to ask your audience what they think either. Coca-Cola’s “Happy Machine” is a great example of truly unique and relatively inexpensive content,
When it comes to the digital world: interact, have fun, and stick true to your brand.