How to Create a Welcoming Homepage

Blog post by: Ellen Joppe, BPM Marketing Intern
Visitors want to feel welcomed when they access a company webpage. An unprofessional homepage can easily be judged or misinterpreted making its purpose ineffective.
Your homepage is a snapshot expressing who you are and what you do. You want to share your goals and purpose as well as what you can do for your target audience. Here are some important tips to keep in mind while building a homepage for your business’ website:
1.)   Keep it simple by limiting the amount of content focused on your company’s background. The visitor will feel overwhelmed if your company explains everything at once.
2.)   Use words such as ‘you’ to make your audience a priority. It shows your interest in the visitor and will help them feel valued.
3.)   Choose a tone and words that align with how our target audience communicates.
4.)   Include Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media links. A number of company homepages often add the amount of Facebook Fans, as well. Incorporating these social media links gives the visitor a sense of trust, and displaying the amount of Fans gives the viewer a visual form of evidence.
5.)   Lastly, give your viewers a call to action. Many homepages will encourage visitors to sign up for the company’s newsletter or eblast list to receive coupons and other valuable information. It’s also common to offer a free consultation, software trial, or download (like a whitepaper or app). A call to action should always stand out on the homepage.
The development of  homepage can be very tricky and time-consuming , but if you keep it simple and follow these guidelines,  your company will be a few steps closer to a welcoming and effective website.