How to Build a Successful Recruitment Campaign

“The war for talent is over, and the talent won.”

Over the last twenty years, there has been a much anticipated shift in power between job recruiters and candidates. In many job markets, candidates can afford to be picky. They come into interviews prepared with a list of must-have benefits and often have identified a specific culture in which they’d prefer to work.

So, how can recruiters continue to achieve company goals in a climate like this?


Enter: Strategic Recruitment Marketing Campaigns

Successful employee recruitment campaigns rely on the same main principles as any other effective advertising campaign; target audience insight and a comprehensive strategy.
However, even if you’ve run a successful recruitment campaign in the past, strategies that haven’t been updated in over a year can be considered obsolete. In the digital age, the pace of change in marketing is rapid.

Below are the most essential elements of a successful 2016 recruitment marketing campaign:


Target Market Research

It’s important to conduct research to determine where your ideal candidates are searching and engaging. What social networks are they on? Are they ‘old school’ and seeking out positions outside of the web? Are they local or living in a different state? For your campaign to be successful, you need to find the right medium to connect with your audience. It may also be helpful to seek out advice from current employees and/or a marketing agency experienced in recruitment marketing.


Current Employee Involvement

The best PR is a personal recommendation, and your current employees are your greatest asset. Develop tactics to engage them in your recruitment marketing campaign. For example, if you’re promoting recruitment events on your company Facebook page, be sure to encourage your current employees to share them. You can also incentivize employees to refer others. Companies commonly reward referrals (that result in hires) with cash rewards or free electronics like iPads.


An Established Leadership Presence

Tactics like public speaking (at conferences, networking events, colleges, etc.) or involvement in “industry/expert panels” will leave a lasting impression and help present a visual representation of your company to audiences. They will position your business as a leader in the community and industry and help you gain valuable contacts.



Use video to provide prospective employees with a tour of your facilities or interviews with the CEO and current employees. It’s a great medium to give candidates a chance to get to know your company and its culture better.


Data and Analytics

Upon the completion of your campaign, it’s important to evaluate your results. What worked? What didn’t? What was the number of leads/inquiries generated by each of the tactics? Website and digital marketing analytics are a key component to measuring the effectiveness of most marketing strategies. Also, be sure to interview current and recent hires asking them to describe their experience as an employee. Why did they choose to work for your company? What do they like about their job? Use the feedback to evaluate your strategy and to fine-tune the messaging within your campaign.

Has your company recently carried out a recruitment marketing campaign? Share your success stories or challenges in the comments!

Looking for more insight on how to effectively carry out a recruitment marketing campaign? Contact the BPM team today!