Social Media’s Growing Influence on Society

Blog post by: Ashley Sledge, Baer Performance Marketing Intern

Social media is more than just taking pictures. It is more than just people sharing what they are doing for the day or what the latest fashion trends are. Social media also gives a platform for people to learn and share new information daily.

The beauty of social media platforms is that each person’s profile is unique to them and their interests. Therefore, sharing information they believe is interesting might be new or eye-opening to a friend or connection.

Social media has the power to affect social change within society. It’s allowed billions of people to have a voice and share experiences, articles, and facts they believe are important. And that information can change other people’s beliefs or help them learn about topics they’d like to better understand. According to a Pew Research Center study, 14 percent of Americans have changed their mind about an issue because of something they came across on social media platforms.

Mission Box also recently published an article highlighting the ways social media has revolutionized how organizations and brands raise awareness.  Social media platforms improve engagement, break down barriers, and facilitate conversations and connections.

The U.S. Ad Council, for example, is currently using social media to carry out its “Love Has No Labels” campaign.  The messaging encourages people to be more aware of the biases they carry, urging them to educate themselves and see the importance of accepting all people regardless of race, religion, and gender.

In short, sharing information through social media can promote positive change within our society.



Bialik, Kristen. 14% of American have changed their mind about an issue because of something they saw on social media. FactTank. 2018. Retrieved from


Riddle, Jason. All too Easy: Spreading Information through social media. The Arkansas Journal

of Social Change and Public Service. 2017. Retrieved from

Shaw, Kendra. Promoting Social Change: Wielding the Power of Social Media. MissionBox

Retrieved from
