4 Qualities and Features Your Video Content Needs to Have 

The amount of video content companies are producing is abundant and occasionally seems redundant. Drone shots, mixed with b-roll and CEO voiceovers, are the new standard.

The constant progression of technology has allowed amateurs to penetrate the video production market and provide a voice to businesses and personalities alike. 

How do you stay relevant and innovative in the ever-changing world of video marketing? Allow us to explain four different components your video projects should have no matter how the technology evolves.


Attention-grabbing elements

The basic goal of all content is to gain attention. A prospective customer’s attention is one of the most valuable resources you can acquire. And in comparison to a graphic, blog or written content, video can many times receive more attention.

Produce video content about your services, company, products, employee personalities or whatever you deem important enough to share in a video project. Add creative elements such as lower thirds, cut shots, overlays, graphics and animations to have your viewers’ eyes constantly moving and following your story. You have their attention. Now maximize on it, and don’t lose them.


A straightforward message

What is your audience going to take away from your video? If the answer is unclear, then get back to the drawing board. Determine the goals behind your video. If it is to show off a new product or machine, make sure that’s the focus. Don’t create a video talking about a new service that is then talking about how excellent your company is. Save that idea for another video. Combining videos cheapens that experience and confuses your audience.  

What do you want the viewer to remember? Whatever that is, make sure it is clear. If you are explaining reasons to work with you or buy your services and products, tell them why, but leave them wanting more. Provide them with enough information to make an accurate assessment of how your business operates while encouraging them to visit your website. The more information you give them, the more value they can squeeze out of the video. Put yourself in your prospective customers’ shoes. What do they need to know before making a buying decision? Now, tell them that in a video.  


A multi-pronged approach to distribution

Our team is always excited when we can give creative suggestions on how to repurpose a client’s content. Your content, no matter its form, should always be used in more than one way. Whether it is a blog, graphic, video, audio file, podcast, or social post, make sure you are stretching that content. 

Let’s consider the options for video while using a five-minute branding video as the example. Obviously, you want to upload the video to YouTube to be able to easily embed the video or hyperlink it. When uploading, make sure you are completing all the necessary options on YouTube (i.e., tagging, location, playlist, etc.). Depending on the layout of your website, incorporate it there, too. Your “About Us” section or homepage banner are decent starting points for a branding video. 

The next and more technical strategy is repurposing for social media. You can definitely post the video on your social profiles. However, first review the parameters of the social profiles in your toolbox. Anything longer than 59 seconds on Instagram will have video segmented under IG TV. On Twitter, it is extremely difficult to post videos over 140 seconds long. Facebook and LinkedIn are definitely great options, and their algorithms tend to encourage longer videos.

If you and your marketing efforts are more innovative, your TikTok or Snapchat account might be a great way to fine tune your editing skills. Using the five-minute video and chopping it into smaller segments can turn one video into a handful of FAQ-focused or quick-hitting videos. These smaller videos can also be used on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and your other social platforms. 

While editing, factor in how your audience will see this video. Is it on mobile? Only on an app? Will they be able to see it on a tablet, desktop computer and a smartphone? Make it as easy as possible for them to take in your content.


A strategy balancing quality and quantity 

A constant debate in content marketing is the balancing act of quality and quantity. The quality ideology is to put all of your time and energy into one amazing project. The opposite side is more content at a higher rate of production. Both strategies have their place in marketing.  

When you are creating video content, you need to decide where you will fall on the quality vs quantity spectrum. Long-format videos, like our example, should likely be high quality with more time invested. Shorter videos should have faster turnaround times and engaging elements that are less time intensive.


 Video, just like every other form of marketing content, has its purpose. If a project can be best explained in video format, do it. If it is better communicated in a blog, write a blog. Decide what you want to communicate, who you are trying to communicate with, how they digest content and the mediums you are going to use. Creating video is an investment of time and resources. Plan accordingly to achieve your goals.

If you have questions on how to get started with video content, Baer Performance Marketing is here. From social media videos to long-format company video projects and everywhere and anywhere in between, we can be your resource for video production, scriptwriting and strategy. Contact us today for more details.