When Should You Start Event Marketing?

Blog Post By: Kallista Baebler, Baer Performance Marketing Intern


It’s easy to brush marketing aside when planning an event. However, event marketing is an important aspect of planning as it brings awareness and attracts the target audience to the event. Connecting with the target audience requires effective content delivered at appropriate times. Below are questions to ask yourself to determine when to start marketing.


When to Start Marketing

It may never be too early to get the word out about your event. Even if all of the details aren’t planned out, you can still get the event on the radar of your audience. This way they can keep an eye out for more information and start making plans. Here are some key factors that may help you determine the timing of marketing.

Is this an annual event? If you are marketing an annual event, you may want to start planning your marketing before the current event is over. This way you can announce next year’s information to create word-of-mouth advertising by those in attendance. The momentum is at a high, so build on it! Your audience is present, they are having a good time, and now they can share with their friends why they should go too.

Do your guests need to make travel arrangements? If your event requires those in attendance to book a hotel or flight, make sure they have plenty of time to make those arrangements. The more difficult it is for someone to make these arrangements, the less likely it is they will attend the event. If you are questioning if your attendees have enough time, know that more time never hurt anyone.

Is this a casual or structured event? If you’re planning an event where there is a speaker or program that requires attendance for the length of the program, make sure the audience has time to block off time for this event. Whereas, events where attendees have the ability to come and go as they please may require less of a notice.


At Baer Performance Marketing, we want to make sure your event marketing is drawing in the right audience. Let us help you with event branding, event marketing strategies, invitations, direct mail, email marketing, online advertising, promotional branding, and more. BPM can even help with post-event follow-up, helping with the transition of turning new contacts into clients. Contact us today to see how we can meet your event marketing needs.