The BPM Internship Experience: Kallista Baebler

When I found out I’d be graduating in three years, I went into a panic. I still had no idea what I wanted to do or how I was going to get the experience I needed. To my relief, I was hired on as the 2019 Spring Intern for Baer Performance Marketing and jumped in as soon as I got back from my winter break. What I didn’t know at the time was how much I would learn about the industry and myself.

What I Did

During my time at Baer Performance Marketing, I have been able to experience a wide variety of tasks. I have created social media calendars, written blog posts, and researched potential clients. Lucky for me, this wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg. With the variety of tasks handed to me, I was able to see first-hand what goes into being an advertising agency. The feedback I received was encouraging and helped me improve for the next task that was coming my way.

What I Learned About Myself          

As mentioned earlier, I had no idea what I wanted to do after graduation. However, after spending time writing blog posts and social media calendars, I found a passion for copywriting. This was something I would have never realized without this internship. Before coming to Baer Performance Marketing, I didn’t have the chance to discover this passion, and quite frankly, I thought I was average at writing. Before I could even voice this new-found interest, I was told that I had a natural talent when it came to writing. These encouraging words stay in my mind as I strive to work harder and improve even further.

Thank You, BPM, From Kallista

I believe everything happens for a reason and finding Baer Performance Marketing was no exception. I have had the opportunity to work with the extremely talented team here and soak in all the knowledge they sent my way. It’s hard to believe the semester is over. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone here as I look to start my journey post-graduation.