A Guide to Google+ Page Insights

For a long time, the social media site Google+ didn’t provide page owners with any real data on how their page was performing. This shortage of analytics made it very difficult for businesses to use the social media site as an effective, measurable marketing tactic.

However, over the summer, Google released Google+ Insights for pages. Page owners now have access to valuable stats that can help them learn more about their audience, quantify their activity, and view trends in engagement.

The Google+ analytics dashboard is made up of three tabs: Visibility, Engagement, and Audience.

Audience reports show the number of new followers during a 7, 30, or 90 day period. Followers’ demographic information is also broken down within this section of the analytics. If your page has more than 200 followers, you will also be given a chart showing a breakdown of total followers by country, gender, and age.

Visibility reports list how many total views a brand page has generated since October 1, 2012 as well as a breakdown of views over the past 7, 30, or 90 days. The Visibility reports also project stats for post views, profile views, and photo views. Local pages will also have data showing total clicks for driving directions (as well as the area from which the driving direction requests were made) and clicks to your website from Google’s local search results.

Engagement reports show the number of total comments, +1s, and shares your Google+ page has collected. Within the Engagement tab, page owners can also view the metrics of each individual post.  This includes the total number of actions and number of views each post receives. Also, after a post is made, the activity it generates is displayed by the hour (for the first 72 hours). Engagement reports will also indicate what type of media (i.e., posts made up of text, photos, links, or videos) is seeing the most/least engagement. You can also access Ripples for each Google+ post that is made, to assess who is sharing your page’s content.

If you’d like to learn more about Google+ Page Insights, check out Google’s “Insight One Sheet.” If you’d like assistance in building an effective Google+ brand page for your business, contact BPM at 920-632-7648!

