The Intern Experience: Brittany Schmidt

Here’s a blog post from Brittany Schmidt, one of the qualified and gifted interns at Baer Performance Marketing.  Brittany studied Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Wisconsin in Green Bay.  She graduated in May 2011.

Being an Intern at Baer Performance Marketing is a unique experience that I never received from any of my internships in the past.  At Baer Performance we work as a team and everyone’s ideas are appreciated.  They gave me the opportunity to work with a variety of clients which enabled me to learn a wide variety of skills.  I believe this internship will help me in my future career more than any class I have taken. The hands on experience I received by being able to complete tasks for clients is unmatched by anything I have done in the past.
One thing I love about this internship is that everyday is different.  I always go into the office knowing that I will learn something new.  I do not think of my internship as a job. I enjoyed going to work each day because I knew that I am receiving experience that I could not receive anywhere else with people that I enjoyed working with.
Another thing I took away from this internship was the importance of teamwork.  If I had a problem I never hesitated to ask someone for help because everyone bounced ideas back and forth.  For example, another intern Alex and I created white pages for Twitter. We got together to put together an outline and when we were both done with our parts we got back together and read through our parts outloud to receive feedback from one another and  just to make sure everything flowed right.  I never felt intimidated to ask Molly or Aaron a question if I did not understand something or just for help. We often had brainstorming sessions as a team in order to generate ideas off of one another and I always found it more successful then working alone.
As I move on in my marketing career I will never forget working for BPM because I know I will use the skills I learned here each and every day.