The BPM Internship Experience: Kevin Davis


“Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

-Ferris Bueller

My internship at Baer Performance Marketing in fall of 2018 moved fast, not so fast that I missed it…but fast enough that I am wishing I had longer to work with this amazing business.  I have learned more in four months than I have in four years in the classroom.  Why exactly is that?

The reasoning I give is my wide-eyed excitement for something I truly love and am passionate about. I love coming into the office every day and giving all that I can.  I don’t want anyone to outwork me. Letting someone outwork me is letting someone beat me and simply put, I hate losing. More than anything.  I came into this internship hungry, and I got fed…A LOT.

The very intelligent marketing team at BPM brings in so many different areas of expertise, including website design, creative writing, media content creation, and campaign strategy development.  Communication in an office goes a long way, and at BPM, it truly is a team atmosphere. Everyone works together to achieve shared goals.

Whenever I was working on projects I was assigned, I felt useful and felt I was contributing to the “big picture.” Everyone critiqued my work and gave me some of the best constructive feedback I have ever received.  Every project I was assigned just seemed to get better and better as the internship progressed. The BPM team really helped grow my understanding of business and, specifically, marketing.

What I will take away from these four months is an open mind and a willingness to learn.  Marketing is all about gaining an understanding of others: other businesses, other industries, other audiences.  To find success, marketing professionals must become experts in whatever it is they are trying to promote or sell. As I try to become the expert in wherever life takes me, I know the skills I learned at BPM will get me there. I leave the office with my fist in the air, prepared and confident for the next step in my journey.

Thank you, Baer Performance Marketing,

Kevin Davis